This cranberry salad recipe is reminiscent of a Waldorf salad or a taffy apple salad. Sweet and creamy, this cranberry salad is supposedly a favorite among...
Great alternative to the typical cranberry salad served at Thanksgiving. This is a recipe that I have been making for so long that it is permanently imbedded...
This was my mothers recipe, and named by my son because it is so addictive. By replacing the Jell-O® with sugar-free Jello-O®, using no-sugar-added pineapple,...
This is my favorite Thanksgiving dish! The sweetness is a nice contrast to the saltiness of the turkey. The walnuts and apples give a nice texture, but...
Even people who don't like cranberries or the canned cranberry sauce seem to like this recipe. It is easy to make and keeps for weeks after it is made....
My mom has made this every year for Thanksgiving and Christmas for as long as I can remember, and now I am the one making it for her to continue the tradition....
I came up with this one night for a quick lasagna accompaniment. A quick trip to the garden for the mint added the crowning touch. Very good, very quick,...
This has always been a holiday favorite; it's even good for breakfast the next day. It's got a little of everything - cranberries, grapes, nuts, and miniature...
A really, truly gorgeous dried fruit salad that i serve in the evenings to share with my mum and sisters over a good movie. I use organic pine nuts, and...